In the morning today we drove out to Portage Lake, where we went on a boat tour over to Portage Glacier. We also saw several other glaciers, all of which were quite interesting to see. This morning’s trip was also interesting because I have not seen any glaciers before.

Here are some photos I took:

Top Left: I don’t know its name but this was my first glacier!

Top Right: A mini iceberg from the Portage Glacier.

Middle Left: Portage Glacier.

Middle Right: Burns Glacier.

Bottom Left: A closeup of Portage Glacier.

Bottom Right: Some ice from Portage Glacier.


And, to crown them all, the picture of Portage Glacier – blown up:

(I really like this picture – in fact it is the new wallpaper on my home screen 🙂 )


After lunch we went out to Whittier, which is a deep water port on Prince William Sound / converted army base.

There is not much to see in Whittier, but the main attraction there is a two mile long tunnel which was built as a rail tunnel in 1943. It is now used by cars also, and is the only way to access Whittier from the land – excepting a 1 mile trail with some 700 feet of elevation gain. We went through the tunnel to Whittier, walked around a bit there, and drove back. I thought I would share some photos from Whittier:



Top: Whittier small boat port.

Middle Left: You can ignore the foreground, and focus on the converted army building that is the condo building where most of the inhabitants of Whittier live.

Middle Right: The opening to the tunnel, on the side away from Whittier.

Bottom Left: A sign with a map of Whittier.

Bottom Right: Whittier has a pedestrian tunnel going under the railyard from the waterside to the downtown.



Also, I have pictures of some wildflowers that I have seen in Alaska over the past two days. I have identified as many as I can, using a flyer found at the visitor center for Portage Lake.


Top Left: A plant that is not in the flyer! Not allowed! I am not sure if this is a non-native flower, or just one that is not very common. (The flyer only has 50 flowers)

Top Middle: Nootka Lupine (?)

Top Right: Fireweed

Middle Left: Yarrow (this grows in our area down in CA, as well)

Middle Right: Dwarf Fireweed

Bottom Left: Unidentified again!

Bottom Right: And again!


I’m sorry so many of the flowers are unknown, but I did my best. 🙁


We’re all really enjoying Alaska, and I will post again soon. Goodbye for now!





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