In my physics readings recently—from For the Love of Physics, by Walter Lewin—I've been reading about how rainbows are formed. More specifically, one lesson was about how light is refracted and split inside a raindrop. In For the Love of Physics, Lewin included a diagram showing this refraction, and the study guide (by Nicole Williams, for the record) recommended copying the diagram into my science notebook. I decided that I wanted to do a digital reproduction of the diagram, mostly because I felt like doing the art on my iPad, but with the excuse that I wanted to do a written narration with the diagram embedded in it. Art looks a lot better when it has not been mediocrely photographed from paper, as a physical reproduction would have been.

Well, I got drawing—and I kept drawing. And it looked pretty good. So I started writing on it, and I wound up with a full-on digital science notebook entry about how rainbows are formed. And no, I'm sorry, it's not interactive.

This digital science notebook entry was created in Paper by FiftyThree using a capacitative stylus.

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