We’ve (at first leisurely and fragmentedly) started off school over the past month… so I’m a sophomore. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. I’m in my second year of high school? I’m in double-digit grade numbers? I only have three years of homeschool left? Yikes!

But we’ve started school, so I thought I’d kick off (approximately a month late) on my blog with a science notebook entry from Chapter Two of The Cloudspotter’s Guide, by Gavin Pretor-Pinney. This book is science as it should be taught, or maybe as everything should be taught: through story. It is well-written and amusing, presenting memorable details instead of lists of facts. There are stories of mythology, history, of Air Force pilots (one, at least; he fell forty-seven thousand feet through a cumulonimbus cloud and survived) and even—occasionally—of weather.

It isn’t a good idea, for various reasons, to put a full-size image in a post; but if you’d like to see a larger version of this photo, you can find one here.

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