Category: Uncategorized


Well, it has been a long while since I’ve posted on here. But, although I have not spent eleventy-one years here, I shall quote Bilbo: “this is the end. I am going. I am leaving now. Goodbye!

However, while I shall not be seen in this Shire again, I do not intend to leave off blogging; indeed, I hope to blog more often and better: just not here. Instead, I shall be found at How the Sun Rose, where I already have my first post up.

Thank you, dear family, for your kind and helpful reading and commenting on here. While I have—mainly to leave behind an awkward name—decided to immigrate, I hope to see you all over at How the Sun Rose!

Back to School, Cum Cumulonimbus

We’ve (at first leisurely and fragmentedly) started off school over the past month… so I’m a sophomore. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. I’m in my second year of high school? I’m in double-digit grade numbers? I only have three years of homeschool left? Yikes!

But we’ve started school, so I thought I’d kick off (approximately a month late) on my blog with a science notebook entry from Chapter Two of The Cloudspotter’s Guide, by Gavin Pretor-Pinney. This book is science as it should be taught, or maybe as everything should be taught: through story. It is well-written and amusing, presenting memorable details instead of lists of facts. There are stories of mythology, history, of Air Force pilots (one, at least; he fell forty-seven thousand feet through a cumulonimbus cloud and survived) and even—occasionally—of weather.

It isn’t a good idea, for various reasons, to put a full-size image in a post; but if you’d like to see a larger version of this photo, you can find one here.

Backpacking to Fordyce [River]

On Sunday and Monday last, Dad took Nathan, Gregory, and me on the first backpacking trip of the season.  Leaving the house in the morning, we arrived at the rather nondescript Lake Spaulding trailhead a bit before noon.  From there, we set out on a (rather hot) hike to Fordyce Creek.  Around twelve forty, we stopped at one of the powerhouses on Lake Spaulding for lunch—and, of course, pictures.  There was a good view across the lake, and I was able to identify several of the features we could see. (more…)

February-March Photo Roundup

I have some photos I've been wanting to share for a bit, so here they all are together.
When the from-a-pit peach tree we have in our garden flowered, I headed out with my camera and was surprised to get a photo this good. I think I might enter it in the fair!
I also took pictures of some of my earrings on it.
We went for a hike by the Yuba River one Saturday, and I took this picture of the river.
I also, of course, couldn't resist documenting such a cute little person. She was very interested in the river.
Yes, you're right. That's a bug on the basket I finished recently. I had a lot of fun making it, and now I have to figure out what to do with my basket.
To finish, some of the ebelskivers I made this morning. I really enjoy making ebelskivers, a kind of almost-spherical Danish pancake. That's all for now!

Email Subscription to Elemmírë is Now Possible!

Hi! I am really excited to announce that it is now possible to subscribe by email to Elemmírë. Enter your name and email in the subscription field in the right sidebar. You will get a confirmation email, and after you click the link in it you will be notified by email whenever I post.

And just because, here's a photo of Hannah I took yesterday.
Isn't she a sweet little princess? I love the angle of the head and how the dress poofed onto the floor.