I have some photos I've been wanting to share for a bit, so here they all are together.
When the from-a-pit peach tree we have in our garden flowered, I headed out with my camera and was surprised to get a photo this good. I think I might enter it in the fair!
I also took pictures of some of my earrings on it.
We went for a hike by the Yuba River one Saturday, and I took this picture of the river.
I also, of course, couldn't resist documenting such a cute little person. She was very interested in the river.
Yes, you're right. That's a bug on the basket I finished recently. I had a lot of fun making it, and now I have to figure out what to do with my basket.
To finish, some of the ebelskivers I made this morning. I really enjoy making ebelskivers, a kind of almost-spherical Danish pancake. That's all for now!